• Hello, my name is Ksandra Roehr (roar), and my passion & mission in life is to help individuals Remember how to allow their Authentic Self to ‘Roehr!’

    Who are we:

    *We are all divine extensions of Source/Love energy navigating our evolution through a human experience.

    *We desire to live lives that are filled with health, wealth, happiness, and love.

    *We want to feel confident, aligned, clear, and passionate about the decisions we make in life.

    *We want to love and be loved, and we want to be acknowledged, seen, and heard by those we love and are important to us.

    *We want to know our purpose and know we lived a life worth living.

    So how do we Remember and fully live this Authentic Self?

    The answer is simple: Self-Love

    How do we develop Self-Love?

    The process is simple. We connect with the Inner Wisdom of our Heart, where the Source of Love resides. From this space of Unconditional Love we are able to see what stories, beliefs, etc. we are holding onto that are ready to be released. Through this process we start to Remember who we authentically are and learn how to step into a life we truly want.

    My role in your process is that of the ‘Witness’, allowing your Authentic Self to ‘Roehr’. I have the ability to open up and hold sacred space for you, so that you can go within and do the internal work. I use a mix of energetic methods to guide you to connect to the Inner Wisdom of your Heart, so you can connect with your Higher Self to receive the clarity/answers/guidance needed to live your Authentic Self.


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